Community Update
With the signing of the recent “Relationship Agreement”, Ermineskin Chief & Council and NGCI Board of Directors have recently conducted their first “Advisory Committee” meeting.
On February 5 & 6, 2014, the Advisory Committee Meeting took place at the Four Bands Bldg. The following summary will explain the purpose of an Advisory Committee and each Parties responsibility. The two day meeting went well with a full two-day agenda. In attendance at the meeting was Trent Blind, NGCI Chairman; Glenda White, NGCI Board Member; Victor Buffalo, NGCI Board Member; Samuel Minde, Council & Governance Portfolio; Daniel Makinaw Sr, Council & HR Portfolio; Conrad Young, Council & Corporate Portfolio; Brian Lee, Council & Finance Portfolio; Dennis Whitebear, Council & Administration Portfolio.
- establish and foster a positive working relationship where both parties respectfully engage in information sharing,cooperative planning and shared decisions making for the benefit of ECN and its citizens;
- foster mutual respect for each party’s mandates, policies, rights and responsibilities, and areas of jurisdiction based onmutual trust, respect and common interests;
- detail the terms of an advisory committee that will facilitate ongoing dialogue to discuss matters of common interestand provide guidance for the work of NGCI;
- help the parties engage and update the community about the economic initiatives of ECN and NGCI;
- enable the Parties to set the terms of the financial resources used in the start-up of NGCI;
- foster a relationship where the parties cooperate in securing future resources needed for joint projects, feasibilitystudies, generating knowledge about the Nation’s assets and any other projects taken pursuant to this agreement;
- work towards finding sustainable economic initiatives and business opportunities with an emphasis on ventures thatcreate employment, and capacity development opportunities for the Nation;
The Committee shall be comprised of four (4) members representing NGCI, and five (5) members representing ECN. The committee will meet on a quarterly basis.
NGCI shall be represented as follows:
- The Chair of NGCI, also representing the NGCI Executive Committee.
- A Board Member of NGCI representing the NGCI Audit Committee.
- A Board Member of NGCI representing the NGCI Investment Committee.
- The NGCI CEO & President
ECN shall be represented as follows, with the possibility of appointing alternates in the event any ECN representative is unable toparticipate in the business of the Committee:
- The Chief of Ermineskin Cree Nation shall serve as a member.
- An Elder to be appointed by the Council shall serve as a member.
- Three council members representing the following portfolio’s will also sit on the advisory committee:
- Corporate
- Neyaskweyahk Human Services
- Governance
The Ermineskin Chief and Council in fulfilling its roles and responsibilities under this Agreement hereby commit, but is notlimited to:
- Acting as an Ambassador in speaking to the merits of this Relationship Agreement and benefits derived for thecommunity and its members;
- Having the advisory committee share information with the remainder of Chief and Council about NGCI updates;
- Coordinating any community awareness, planning, engagement and consultation activity that may be required inaddition to the yearly community forum;
- Collaborating with NGCI and the government in pursuing P3 solutions;
- Lobbying all levels of government to support capacity development opportunities and community infrastructure priorities;
- cooperate with NGCI in identifying funding solutions that may be utilized in NGCI initiatives and joint ECN/NGCIinitiatives;
- Share community economic development plans and business opportunities with NGCI;
- Developing a 5 year rolling capital plan in collaboration with NGCI that will address community investments in humanresources, education, economic development and the necessary infrastructure needed to foster a healthy and sustainableeconomy for ECN.
NGCI in fulfilling its roles and responsibilities under this Agreement hereby commits, but is not limited to:
1. Ensuring NGCI employees are respectful and aware of Ermineskin Cree Nations’ history and the contemporary communitycontext hey are working within. NGCI is committed to having employees and a reputation that is viewed positively within thecommunity;
2. Community investment initiatives (i.e. scholarships) commensurate with the revenue and profitability of NGCI;
3. Working with the Nation and all levels of government in pursuing P3 solutions (Private Public Partnerships);
4. Ensuring an organizational culture that is effective at collaborating with the Nation and and other relevant parties;
5. Focusing on initiatives that provide capacity development to the nation in key areas – employment of community members,employee professional development, strong governance and building effective partnerships;
6. Exploring options that will allow community members to provide feedback on socio-economic priorities through web-based avenues;
7. Collaborating with the Nation’s investment and financial institution(s) in identifying sources of funding for projects;
8. Developing an Annual Work Plan and 5 year rolling capital plan in collaboration with the Nation that will outline capacitydevelopment initiatives (training, employment and professional development), economic development initiatives and businessopportunities.