Phone Number: 780-585-3000
When was the last time you felt like a hero?
Neyaskweyahk Wildland Firefighters are the new modern-day heroes as we endeavor to get near the wildfires that are burning out of control in our Indigenous territorial lands, and our province. Under NGCI management, NWLF GP provides trained firefighters, administration, contract, and crew management to the Minister of Forestry, Parks and Tourism with the Province of Alberta. Neyaskweyahk Wildland Firefighting GP began with the belief that the opportunity will offer Indigenous members with employment during the summer months.
The job of firefighting requires skill, physical stamina, and fearlessness; it is not a job for the faint of heart. These positions require certification in:
- first aid
- transporting dangerous goods by air and ground
- Chainsaw Safety 1 and 2
- Incident Command System 100 and 200
- bear awareness
- leadership training
Certification in all areas is required to be qualified to be near forest fires, be transported to locations in helicopters, and work in the wilderness manning equipment and enduring all weather conditions.
NGCI Wildland Firefighters provide Secondary Firetack Crews, which consist of an eight-member team of qualified and motivated firefighters. The firefighters are ready and waiting to be dispatched by Forestry, Parks, and Tourism, who contracts various crews throughout the province.
Contact NGCI today at 780-585-3000 or if you have what it takes to be a Firetack crew member. Or visit the SRD website for more information on Alberta firefighting.
We are committed to providing the Minister of Forestry, Parks, and Tourism with the skills and knowledge required to help them manage our forests during fire season between April 1 and October 31.